Wednesday 9 April 2014


Ok, so I don't really know where to begin but I feel like an update is probably due.  So, in no particular order…

Lent is actually really irritating me this year.  What should be a moment of spiritual strength and growth is just really grating at the moment.  I will see it through but it is just not having the desired effect.  I just feel really lack-lustre at the moment.  I am struggling to find the energy to train effectively at the gym as well.  I can't help but wonder if it is some kind of dietary thing.  Maybe I am not eating enough of the right thing.  I am taking vitamin and iron supplements as I know that I am on a restricted intake so I don't think that it would be that.  The only other thing that has changed in my diet recently is the removal of cheese for Lent.  But calcium deficiency does't cause lack of energy does it?  Maybe it does.  Might be time to start drinking more milk to try and compensate for the lack of cheese.  The only other thing that it might be, is that I used to eat a banana for breakfast and recently I have not been - basically because I haven't been feeling hungry.  I guess that I will have to try to get back into the habit.

Other than that, I just want the summer to hurry up - I am itching to get the balcony planted up and looking good again.  The car is about to cost me a packet I think, it's that time again - insurance, tam, service, MOT and breakdown cover.  All in the same month!  And then the motorbike is due service and MOT the month after, and I am going on holiday so will have to find some money for that too…

Weight wise, I am now down to 12 stone 2 lbs - slowly creeping down but it is harder and harder work to keep any kind of momentum.  At the same time, my lifting ability is ebbing away on a couple of excursuses, mainly the chest based ones - bench press, pecs etc.  So I am trying to eat plenty of protein to support the excursuses that I am doing, but trying to keep down my overall intake to facilitate weight loss.  It seems the be reaching the point where the two are nearly incompatible.  The amount that I am eating at the moment (or not eating to be precise) is really not helpful.  I am way under calorie count most days and I am definitely under all other RDAs.  I just wish that I could loose the remaining stone and a half to get down to my ideal weight.

All in all, it's a pretty trying time and I am feeling seriously 'meh' about it all at the moment.  Nothing is going wrong per se, but things aren't exactly a bed of roses either.