Monday 8 July 2013

So close now...

Tomorrow is D-day, Tuesday 9th July.  It is the day that I am due to exchange contracts and I will actually own the flat that I am moving into.  After so many set backs along the way, I can't help but feel that I have been guided through all the perils by a higher force.  It really does feel like divine intervention.  Some how I feel like a path has been cleared for me to navigate.

I can't really say that I ever used to dream about owning somewhere - it wasn't really that high on my list of priorities.  But now it seems to have an importance of it's own.  If I am looking at finding someone to settle down with, it gives me a degree of stability, somewhere that is a little bit more stable and secure.

So somehow I have ended up here.  So much has tried to come in the way and to be fair, I am not across the line yet - although unlikely, it could all go wrong tomorrow and exchange may not happen. I can;t see any way that would happen - we are there in all but signature, but none the less, I will not be counting my chickens until it is all finished.

Work wise, there's a whole load of crap loitering in the background.  So as soon as I get one monkey off my back, there's another one just waiting to climb on.  Everything from staffing to bonuses and all that lies in-between.  I think that my stress level will probably rise whilst I'm dealing with this all.  I'm not even really going to get much time away from it as I have 2 days off in the next 3 and half weeks.  The cash will be very welcome, especially as I think I can forget about a bonus for the next couple of months.

Aside from that, the person that I have feelings for has moved into a circle that does not really overlap my life at all.  I haven't really had time for it to hit me day-to-day, work just feels a bit empty without them there.  I find myself thinking about them in the quiet moments, what they are doing... I swear that I could smell their perfume in the office the other day.  I'm sure that can't have been the case, purely psychosomatic.

I don't know quite how it's going to go down over the next few weeks, I'd kinda like to press fast forward and just get to the other side.  I guess I'll just have to wait and see, and deal with whatever comes along.

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