Tuesday 27 April 2010

I really hope that things are maybe getting back to an even keel. There's been too much stuff going on over the last few weeks for me to be able to barely catch my breath! All the stuff over my Granddad is, at last, seemingly under control. I went up to see the whole family for a meal on the 25th and, although he look frail, he seems determined to get back on his feet again. I don't think he will ever get quite back to the fitness that he had previously, I guess there's been just too much water under the bridge between then and now.

Then there's my own problems. I just seems like I've been tested a fair bit recently. Pretty much everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. From the car costing far more to get serviced than I had bargained for through to having a tyre blow out on the way to work a couple of weeks ago. After that, the washing machine decided that it was going to leak its contents all over the utility room floor. Just to top it all off, I've just had to pay car MOT, tax and insurance. It's all on the credit card right now, how on earth I am going to be able to clear it off again is beyond me right now.

The fact that the car passed the MOT without needing anything else putting right is, I hope, the beginning of things starting to go right. (Famous last words?)

Its strange how life seems to come in circles like this. I mean, how finances are plentiful at one moment and then money is so hard to find the next moment. Then, how things seem to go wrong all at the same time. I cant explain it but I'd love to know.

So tonight I am going to be a little self indulgent, hopefully not too much so.

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