Saturday 29 September 2012


Im at work right now, Im seriously stressed and there is one person who is really not helping things.  I feel a frustration like I haven't felt in a while and I need somewhere to vent it... Here will do!

Other than that this is a fine way to waste away the last few minutes of my lunch break.  A break that is so late it could be afternoon tea!

Stressing aside, it's strange how things transpire and numerous paths seems to cross each other to lead you to certain places.  Someone I work with has really started me thinking.  Its been ages since Ive been to church and actually expressed my beliefs.  I think they have basically taken a back seat for a while - neglect, working to hard etc.  Yet now it is like I'm being given a prod in the right direction again.  The feelings that I have about what feels right and how I want to worship appear to have been given a name - The Baptist Church.  So on the surface that seems to fit.. I think maybe i need to do some reading and find out exactly what doctrine and whether it all seems to fit, but so far so good?

Other than that I just seem to be being given a prod in the right direction.  I described it to this particular person at work as it feeling like you are picked up from your current path and set down in a different direction, almost with a "No you don't, I want you over here..."

This feels like it again.  And it's strange how messages always seem to come from someone that God knows you will listen to.  Either the place in your life that they have or something else that makes you pay attention to them.

Strange times, strange day.  Anyway, feeling a little better now so off to deal with the last 35 minutes of it all before I can go home.

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