Thursday 10 January 2013

Quick update

Ok, so i'm trying the whole cut down on alcohol and trying to control my eating habits thing.  It seems to be going ok, not perfectly but better than some other attempts that I've made to try and get in control. But then this time I think I have a better understanding of what the issues are.  I guess time will tell.

On another note, I seem to have a problem with my left knee.  every time I walk down stairs it clicks.  If i have been on it all day, by the time I walk home in the evening it click then too.  I am hoping that it is just some kind of muscular imbalance and that a few light exercises on the muscle groups will sort it out.  It's strange how it seems to have coincided with going on the aggressive with cutting down on food.  I have definitely lost a little weight so I wonder if it is related?  I hope it will pass but I think I will have to get registered with a GP up here just in case I need to book an appointment.  I'll do that tomorrow as I'm off work.

On that subject, work is stressing me out at them moment - there's a lot going on right now and it sort of feels like I'm not quite in control of it all - I need to get a grip on the reins I think and make a few things happen.

Not much else to add really - looks like its going to be a brief post for a change.

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