Saturday 18 January 2014

4 (emotional) seasons in one (crap) day

O...M...G... what a day.  I feel really down right now.  It was all going so well until the end of the day - but bizarrely enough it was a mistake that I made at the beginning of the day that destroyed the end of the day.  Basically, I managed to undercharge a customer's card but a substantial amount.

It could well be recoverable, but there is also a chance that it may not be.  Primarily I am really annoyed at myself for making such a stupid mistake.  Secondarily I am pretty worried that if it isn;t recoverable, I will end up with a strike against my record and have the short fall taken out of my wages, something that I can ill afford to happen.

It's another one of those days when i could really do with coming home to a cuddle and a loving pair of arms.

And thereby hangs another issue, I have had a quick look at the options as far as dating goes, bottom line - I don't have the money to pay for a subscription to a dating site let alone enough money to actually afford to go out on dates to meet anyone that's mad enough to be interested in me.

Prior to all the stuff hitting the fan, it was actually a reasonable day as far as work was going.  Not a high-rolling day for the money but not too many difficult customers... and then I look on Facebook and find that a certain someone who I like (and is recently single) had posted a picture of themselves looking nothing short of amazing...  I wish...

So all in all, I'm pretty fed up right now.  I've been up and down all day, feeling emotion at times, feeling so depressed and fed up with myself at times too.  I could quite happily wish the next few days past.  In fact, let's make it a cool week.  Just press fast forward...  At leas then I'd know the outcome of all this crap.

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