Sunday 5 January 2014


"Curiouser and curiouser", thought Alice, as she took the the little white pill with the Mitsubishi logo on it... "Oh My, so many colours..."  she enthused, as she slipped deeper and deeper into her new world...

Apart from that, something truly curious and perhaps, inspirational has come to light.  Whilst it is not something that I would have exactly wished for, it appears that someone I have had an interest in for  a while has become recently single.  She's come out of a long term relationship so I don't think I can get any ideas rightly soon.  I think maybe in the future I might look to see if the time is right.  I would certainly hope so.  I have had a thing for her for a long time and it would be absolutely amazing if there might be a chance to see what might be.

That said, to jump right in to something like this might just be too much.  I mean, I'm rusty to say the least when it comes to relationships and romance.  I have good intentions and I want to make it happen but the bottom line is that I have been single for so long that I can't exactly say that I am 'well practiced' in these matters.  Maybe it is time to actually pull my finger out and  look into this online dating malarkey.  If I happen to find the right person while I am at it then that is all good.  If I don't find the right person, at least I will have chance to make a few mistakes and learn from them - hopeful not hurting anyone else in the process.  I guess I'll just have to see where everything goes.

Before any of this came to light, I found myself wondering something the other night...  There was someone that I was all into a few months ago, and this person - who I first met a couple of years ago. I found myself wondering - day dreaming.  I have to say that I was slightly surprised what conclusions I came to.  The one I keep thinking about from time to time is not the one that I would have initially thought I would.  But then again, it's less infatuation and more about a long term thing.

Who knows, it's got me thinking though.  And I'm thinking that it's time...  I just wish I was in better physical shape.  I don't know any more.  I'm on new ground and I'm pretty unsure of where I'm going.  Let the adventure begin...

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