Saturday 28 June 2014

Everything just seems to be turning to poop

It just seems that right now, everything that I try to achieve is turning to poop.  I get the balcony looking nice, the council want to repaint the exterior of the building so somehow I will probably end up having to try to move plants that are growing up the trellis work on the balcony - not easy.

The car made it to France and back, but it seems that a bolt holding the coil pack in place sheared of (or was sheared by the garage she they serviced it - but I can't prove that) so I had to kludge a fix on that - but I don't know if it will hold or not.

I decided to treat myself to a new set of after-market pipes on the motorbike.  I've ordered them and they've turned up with no fitting instructions and no contents list.  I can't help but feel that there could well be some bolts and brackets missing as there don't seem to be any fittings in the box that I can see.

It just seems to be one thing after another at the moment.  None of them are significant in their own right but it just seems to be adding up to a bigger pile of do-do.  What really seems to be getting me is that the more I try to do a little something to cheer me up, the more it gets thrown back in my face.

Work is adding to the stress at the moment too.  I have a new starter on board to replace one that has left.  TRo give them their due, they have worked for one of our competitors before so know a little bit of the role so they're further ahead on the curve than the average newbie.  What then piles on the pressure is that there's another member of the team on holiday for 2 weeks.  The fact that they've taken a 2 week block really pisses me off.  I can't stop them - it's their right to do it, but it;s the fact that they do it every time.  They do all the customer training when they are working so when they are not in, the rest of us have to rally round to cover their sessions.  In itself, that would be manageable for a week, but 2 weeks just pushes the stress level through the roof.  When other people are off, the sales team can still sell because the training is covered.  When this person is off no-one can get on with their job properly.

On the up side, that means that there should be some overtime going begging - and I think I am going to need it.  That's one thing that the company bonus structure can't take away from me.  They can cap my bonus if other staff members screw up but they can't take away my overtime.

Other than that, there's all the other little irritating things that are going on right now.  I'm still trying to flog myself down the gym to try and hit my target weight - getting there but it's really slow going right now.  I have one particular friend who is determined to push me into online dating and they are starting to get on my nerves again.  Hopefully they'll back off for a while.  They're right of course, but I'm just not in the right place or time to do anything about it at the moment.  I don't have the money to sustain a dating routine, I don't have the time to put into it and right now I don't have the energy to do myself justice in looking for a partner.

All little things, so many little things, all biting at me.  I have a week's holiday at the end of July, a month away.  I think the plan will be to cling on for dear life until then and see if I can get back on an even keel.