Saturday 28 September 2013

Its been a long time

It's been a long time,
I shouldn't have left you,
Without a dub beat to step to.
When I grab the microphone you'd better hit the dex
Time's up - sorry I kept you.

It's been a long time,
Since I had ta,
Pick up the microphone and get badda.
Ain't no other MC on the AKG,
I flip the script like the rest don't matter.

The DJ cuts it up like a shaolin monk
Pumping the funk in your junk trunk punk
I flip it live cos I know where it's at
Pumping funk in the cracks,
Cutting wax with an axe.

I got rhymes real tight
Beats faster than light
Like a ton of TNT
I'm about to ignite
Cos I flip the script on this fuckin' debacle
Passin' the dutch like kids pass the parcel.

There you go, you can have that one for free!  Not sure it's worth any money anyway.

So anyhow,  it's been a while since I put anything on here.  Not to say that things haven't been going on - they have.  More to the point, there hasn't really been the time to put them on here anyway.

Work has been doing my head in.  It's the end of the internal financial year so there's been 2 stock takes in one month - well, the second one is tomorrow.  Other than that, there's a fair bit of stress going on over all this end of year shit as well.  Frankly I could do with out it, but it's part of the job.

Anyway, apart from the work stuff, which isn't exactly going badly - it's just a bit rough right now...  there are some positives as well.  Dad has put me in contact with his financial adviser and it looks like I should be able to get a few bits sorted out to grow a little bit of wealth and security for the longer term.  I have also decided that seeings as the government is going to privatise the Royal Mail, it seems like a good idea to buy a lump of shares as a longer term investment.

This is all seriously starting to sound like I am getting organised in some kind of way - and more scarily that I would appear to be showing signs of maturity and sensibility.  This just wont do.  I need to get back to being childish and irresponsible as soon as possible!

In all seriousness, things are good right now - and for that I am really thankful.  There's so much that has come to my, by the Lord's grace.  I can't help but feel there will be a darker period some time soon. Life seems to have these fiscal cycles - things go from good to bad and then back to good again.  This really feels like the peak of an up cycle.  Things are pretty much as I would have them, give or take a little bit.

The only thing that I really wish I could make progress with is the weight loss.  I have come a massive distance so far.  I have lost 4 stone, which is huge.  I am now stuck on a weight that I can't seem to move from.  I have to take a large degree of responsibility for this myself.  I have let my control on my eating and alcohol consumption loosen a little.  It's not bad, but it's not as tight as I know it could be.  That said, I am doing more down the gym that I have previously.  I am knocking off 600 calories as session before I even do any weights. And I have been able to manage 3 sessions a week over the last few weeks.  But still the weight sticks at this point.  I know I have lost weight and changed shape, it just doesn't seem real.  I don't really feel it or see it in myself the way that I guess others do.  To me I feel just as fat as I did before in so many ways.  I can totally see how people can get caught up in thinking that they are always overweight when they are not.

Who knows, somehow I guess I will have to revisit my motivation and see if I can regroup to make progress.  After all, there must be progress to be made.

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