Thursday 26 December 2013

Crappy Christmas

So Christmas is over for another year, and Boxing day is soon to follow.  I have to say I'm pretty glad it's all over.  It wasn't a bad one, it wash;t exactly a good one either.  To be honest, I think I slept through more of it that I was away through.

That said, Church was OK and I go what I wanted from 'Santa'.  It would be nice if people stopped giving me alcohol for Christmas.  I feel a little bit tragic - is that all people can think of to give me?  Is that how they perceive my personality - an alcoholic?

Christmas down at Dads would have been fine if it wasn't for the other people there; Dad's partner's Daughter (who I refuse to dignify with the title of 'step-sister') and her little shit, spooled brad of a child.  Frankly I want nothing to do with them but sadly I am stuck with being under the same roof as them from time to time.  Anyway, it want great to be honest, poor company, the food wasn't great either.  Dad seems to have convinced himself that his partner can cook - by his standards she probably can - but someone needs to teach her how to cook vegetables!

Really, after all of this I am feeling a bit down and fed up.  It's one of those moments when I just feel like I want to withdraw away from everyone and drop back into my own little world.  I think that I would actually have been quite happy to spend Christmas on my own.  Cook my own dinner, my way and not have to deal with all the other tossers.

Going back to work tomorrow - at least that will keep me occupied and my mind off things.  Money is tight right now as well.  On face value I have a reasonable amount in my current account but I have a bucket load that I need to clear off the credit card as well, which more than cancels it out and will probably wipe out my bonus this month as well.

It's all a bit depressing really.  No one thing is that big but it all seems to come together into one larger mass of issues.

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