Wednesday 18 December 2013

Into every life...

... a little rain must fall.

Ok, so on reflection, I've had a really decent run of good fortune earlier on in the year and I suppose the fact that now things are not going exactly to plan is really only compensation for that - after all, the universe needs to balance.  The Lord must share good and ill fortune upon people equally.

Anyway, my old macbook has come back yet again as the second person to buy it on ebay say it is faulty.  What he has described sounds like the fault that I claimed against Apple under EU law for but now that I have the machine back, I am damned if I can replicate it.  So I think I will just flog it to the local cash converters - the fault that they were moaning about, and that I had an issue with before was an intermittent fault based on certain components overheating and shutting down.  It's unlikely to do that when they test it and buy it off me, and after that it's their problem.  It's a bit unethical perhaps but I need the money and it's just going to be easier to do that and take a slight loss that it is to go through the grief of selling it on ebay and dealing with any faults that may come up again.

Other that that someone that I work with has been involved in a pretty sever car accident and they're going to be off for the foreseeable future.  They're ok - just.  The car was a hell of a mess from the pictures that they sent me.  Thank God, they are basically ok - a couple of cracked ribs and a ruptured knee, but they will recover.  I think that it was very close to being far more severe.  That said, their absence has put a major strain on at work.  Trying to deal with the busiest time of year with one full-time member of staff down is nothing short of a nightmare.  However, there's not much that can be done - it's not their fault that they're off and nature will take it's course, it's not a click-your-fingers type of healing process - it could be 4 weeks odd for cracked ribs.

So I am really tired right now.  I mean, I woke up this morning, after a decent night's sleep and felt like I was ready to go back to bed.  I'm back on the high caffeine energy drinks again too.  I just need something to get me through it all to Christmas day and Boxing Day.  I'm not quite running on empty but I'm getting close.

I managed to get down the gym tonight for a decent work out but I'm feeling knackered now.  I am going to try and get down there again on Friday after work too.  I need to keep this going in the run up to the Christmas Eve weigh in.  Only 3 pounds to go for 5 stone in a year.  Now is not the time for faint heart, for faint heart never won fair lady.

I don't have a fair lady in mind right now but it'll be a lot easier to find one if I am looking trim and fit for purpose.

That is all for now I think...

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