Sunday 15 December 2013

Another pointless rambling blog post...

So Christmas is getting closer; and with that, I should be feeling more empowered, stronger, full of the joys of the season.  It's not that I don't want to be, it's more like every effort I have is going into  my day job and not really leaving anything left over for my faith and for the season.

With that comment I guess that it's probably evident that work is not going according to plan.  that's an understatement.  Right now the business is haemorrhaging money compared with last year.  After a really storming November, this month has fallen by the way side and I'm looking at a pretty big step down against last year.

Right now I dont't know where this is going in the longer term.  Day to day, it's a struggle in the least.  Some how we need to catch up on last year as a minimum.  Then again, head office are forecasting a +20% growth on last year as well.  Following November's sales, the 20% was looking pretty achievable.  Now I am just looking to break even and not head backwards.  The economy is supposedly on the up and people have a higher level of finical optimism (allegedly) but I have to say that I am not sire that it is doing me any favours right now.

The stress of work is a big one, it isn't with me every hour, but it is there more than I would like.  there are little positives that seem to part the stress a little.  For example, we won a competition last weekend and the prize was for food to be paid for this Saturday for lunch - so I had a free pizza lunch.  That was pretty cool, and then there is next weekend - we have the Christmas meal to look forward to.  So there are some positives on the rounds as well.

It's one of these moments when being single totally sucks.   It's the the season...  It's the season alright.  But really, only if you are with someone that you care about.  There could be someone.  I wish there was someone...  But there isn't.  Not right now anyway.  We're coming down to the cut off zone.  Boxing day... - Or in this case, Christmas eve.  I'm not weighing in after the season of excess, I'll do it before, thank you!

So it's 3 lbs more to go for a nice round weight loss of 5 stone in a year.  Might just be do-able, it's going to be a close run thing.  It's not the 6 stone that I targeted for a year ago, and there is definitely more to go.  I think that I need to aim for 1.5 stone in the longer term and that may well be the goal for next year.  I promised myself that i would go into courtship dating in the next year, last year.  I really want to make that happen but I need to rationalise my feelings towards my body as it stands and maybe come to terms with where I have got to and how far I have come.

Terry and Mel have asked me to their new years party and naturally I am going to go - maybe I can find someone there?  I sure as hell don't want to spend another new years alone.

Much to think about, much stress and all of it taking me away from what should be the most amazing season of the year.

And so I pray;

Father, as so many things cause me to loose sight of what this time of year is really about,
Please help me to keep the real meaning of the season in my heart
So that it may come to the fore, ahead of everything else.

Please give me the strength to accept what I cannot change,
The strength to recognise what I can change
And the strength to fight to make the change happen.

As the time comes, please help me to remember the real meaning of Christmas 
And to share and install it in others.

In Jesus name


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