Sunday 26 April 2009

Staring down the barrel

Its been a testing few days. My car failed its MOT the other day and I've had to fork out precious money to keep it on the road. Its a catch 22 - I cant not spend the money on it. I need it to get to work to earn the money in the first place. On the other hand, I could well do without the expense. What with paying the road tax, insurance and the cost of the MOT itself as well, I'm in trouble money wise. Its on the credit card right now but there's no what that I can pay for it right now. I also have to worry about the expenses of moving house in a couple of months time.

Work isn't going fantastically either. The incentive is working well, people are certainly selling more effectively and the results are better than they ever could have been before that. However, its a serious struggle to get to target from where we are. There's another 25% to go with only 4 days to do it. Even with everyone well on board, we are now up against the difference that the credit crunch, nae full blown recession, is making to the business. I have to say that I feel a little helpless in my ability to keep it going. I can see that there is no way that the store is going to do target without some serious divine intervention. I cant let the rest of the team see that though, the confidence is pretty fragile and if I allow my doubts to show, the I will be the one who brings down the whole house of card. - Oh the fun of work-place politics!

Father, I have no idea what I am meant to be doing now,
Or how I am meant to be achieving what is before me.

If I carry on in the same way it is likely that I cannot do what I need to.

please help me to see the best way forward and to deal with those around me,
both my team and my bosses.

I think that right now, what I really need is a little divine intervention.

Please find a way to act through those I am surrounded by,
Please help me to act for the good of those who I am around.

In Jesus Name Amen

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