Monday 10 December 2012

Good times

OK, so there's been much that has happened over the last couple of weeks.  the incidental stuff is that work is going well, business has picked up and there is a small supply of stock on the items that people want so we can actually sell stuff.  I've ordered a new iMac and that is due to ship in the next couple of days so the music studio will be back up and running with some new hardware.

The parting gift from the old setup was finished a couple of days ago and frankly its its a song that Ive been wanting to write for so long.  Ive had a crack at it  a couple of times and not really got anywhere with it but now I have some real progress and a finished article.  Its a Gospel House track, a preacher style sermon split into two verses, set over a tradition house sound.  Quite simple in many respects but done with passion and sincerity.  The inspiration came from a couple of sources.  I listen to a fair amount of Gospel House music anyway, I'm a big fan of DJ Revelation and the style of music he plays.  I also remember a song called "The Prophet" by CJ Bolland - that was far more tongue in cheek and almost a parody of evangelical preaching, I liked the style but wanted to 'play it straight' with what I feel.

Any how, it feels good to have done it and got it out there,  I just wish and pray that there is some more of this kind of stuff inside me, that just maybe, this could be a calling and I can do something with it.

I have often thought that if I could ever be so bold as to make a deal with God, I would ask that I was able to sing as well as write and produce, and in exchange I would use this talent only to His glory.  It doesn't work like that, and I am happy with what I have, but if the opportunity arose...

Anyway, other than that - I have the day off work today so I will be putting up the Christmas Tree and tinsel and then I have a friend coming down to stay tomorrow night and Wednesday as I am off work again.  After that the days off are all used up for a while and the mad patch begins.  I love it but it is pretty tiring.

On another matter, I still have some feelings towards someone that I wish I could shift.  Nothing will come from them, nothing can come form them, not least because they have a partner and further more, with a 10 year age gap between us, I'd feel like a dirty old man if I made the first move.  Age is nothing, I know, there was a decade between Mum and Dad and they would still be together now, had she not been taken from us.  However, when an older man is with a younger woman...  I just wouldn't ever want to be accused of taking advantage.

Anyway, it cant happen for various reasons, I just wish I didn't find them so attractive, I just wish I didn't 'get them' on a personal level.  It would just be easier if there was an off switch.

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