Wednesday 21 January 2009

The First Day At Work

Ok, this was my first day in a new job.  It was no where near as nerve racking as I was expecting.  Everyone was really friendly and I seemed to fit in really well.  Tomorrow will be a more strenuous day with a lot more to learn I think but so far so good.  I'm feeling a lot happier now that I'm working again - I actually earned some money today and it feels so good.  I feel truly blessed right now and I can totally appreciate how others must be feeling as they are in times of uncertainty.

Father, I thank you for my blessings that I have
And for bringing me this job.
Please guide and give strength to those that are looking for work 
or have just been made redundant

In these times of severe uncertainty
Please grant wisdom and insight to those 
who are trying to sort out the world economies
And please do not let them fail, for the sake of all of us

In Jesus Name


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