Tuesday 20 January 2009

Tomrrow's a new begining

Tomorrow sees me starting my new job. It's all happened really quickly, only three days ago I was down in this deep pit of dispair with nowhere to go but down and out. I have GOd to thank for that. And now I am going on to embark on the new path that has been set out for me to follow. I've got to drive down to Plymouth tomorrow (about a 3 1/2 hour drive) and then spend 3 nights in a hotel. I'm looking forward to it actually, the four walls of my home have become something of a prison cell over the last two months and this will be like a mini break as well as training me for my new role.

God, as I embark on this new beginning
Please grant me the strength to succeed
The presence of mind to learn all that I need to learn
And to walk this path with you always in my heart
Please grant me a safe journey there and back
And keep me and my posessions safe in a strange city

Thank you so much for this blessing
Despite all my sins you have given me this
I love you so much
And I am trully thankful for this opportunity

In Jesus Name

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