Friday 23 January 2009

Open For Everyone

I dont really have a specific prayer for today so what I am going to ask is the for everyone reading this, please say a prayer for anyone you know who is suffering right not.  That could be through illness, loss or simply uncertainty.  Take the time to talk to God and he will hear you, for he is a loving God and wants you to talk to him.  If you ask and truly believe, the it will be given

And i will do whatever you ask in my name, So that my Son may bring glory to the Father.  You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.   (John 14:13-14)

Ask with a humble heart, say your words with faith in your heart and it will be given.  I can testify to that.  In the past I have asked for things that were not right to ask for, but because I asked with such passion and belief, that what I asked for was granted and it was left for me to realise that what I had asked for was not really mine to have or indeed right to ask for.  So I guess what I am saying is that prayer is more powerful than any of us really realise,   It is our direct line to God, and anything we ask in Jesus name is going to be listened to.  It is up to us to listen to the answer that is given.

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