Thursday 29 January 2009

A Time For Reflection

I haven't been on here for a couple of days, partly because of work and partly because I haven't had that much to say. However tonight is different. I was watching the news this evening and yet more job cuts are being annoucned. God willing, I wont be going back to the dole queue myself but having only jst got free from unemployment I can completely feel for the ppor people who are being made redundant. I have a decent record and good experience, it still took 2 months of hard prayer and hard work to get me back inot work. Some of these people are going to be unemployed for far loger than that.

Father, As I count my blessings for a job that pays enough for me to live on,
Please be with those that are losing their jobs right now
Offer them strength and guidance through this tough time
And give them the drection they need to find employment.

Please grant wisdom to those who have the power to make decisions
that have an influence over the economies of the world.
At a time when there are so many choices that they could make
please guide them to make the ones that will end these troubled times
as soon as possible and allow a prolonged period of calm.

In Jesus Name

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