Sunday 29 March 2009

A return to creativity

After a long absence from writing and producing anything of musical note, I have finally broken the drought. Over the last two days I have written and produced a new track that is completely original. I've been ticking over on remixes for the last couple of weeks, not really being very original but producing some interesting ideas. Now I am back into my creative flow, maybe there will be some more to follow? Better still, maybe I will meet someone who can sing some of the vocals for me. I must admit that it's annoying that I cannot sing any of the lyrics that I write but I guess i would rather be able to write music and lyrics than to have to sing those given to me by someone else. My creativity is my release and somewhere to channel the energies that dwell within.

Father, thank you for allowing me the gift to create music
and to be able to express myself creatively.

There are times when I have thought about trying to
write religious lyrics to with some of my music.
I'm just not sure that they'd do justice to my beliefs.

Maybe you could guide me?
The words that I woke up with in my head the other day,
Were they meant for this purpose?
I guess that they could be but I'm not sure.

Thank you for the words anyway,
And thank you for giving me my creativity back.

In Jesus Name

Sunday 22 March 2009

After A Long Time Away

Well, I've not put a post up on here for a while. The main reason for that is that I have been working solidly this week and it has knocked me back a little bit. I've done seven days solid so that two of my staff could go on a training course. I have tomorrow off and that will be nice. I can kick back and relax for a day.

I took the bike to work today and I have to say that it was fantastic. It was almost like an early summers day. The sun was warm, a little chill on the air but not enough to make it cold and very little traffic on the road. The perfect day to own a motorbike! I just find biking so relaxing, like it blows all your cares away. I should have felt pretty much dead on my feet today, what with it being my 7th day straight, but after biking in it almost felt like a pyjama day!

However, on the more troublesome side of life, my car is in a bad way. My baby is sick and in need of a little TLC. Unfortunately TLC costs money. Money that I don't really have right now. Having been out of work for a while my finances are all over the place right now and everything is a bit hand-to-mouth. I haven't had chance to get some savings stored up for this sort of thing yet.

Father, whilst I'm pretty sure that I don't want to be asking
for help to deal with things as simple as maintaining my car.

I do feel that I should be praying for the opportunity to
Build some stability back into my life again

In a couple of months I will be needing to move house again
And before then I need to get some stability to my finances and
To my commitments.

Please grant me the presence of mind to do the best I can
With the situations that are in front of me.

In Jesus Name

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Relaxation On My Day Off

It's only going to be a short entry as I 've had a day off from work today. It was nice to be able to do very little for the day. I did the basics - vacuuming, wash the car, do the food shopping etc. And I got my usual day of treat. Old Rosie cider - the nicest cider that I have discovered to date - and, in my opinion, a real taste of freedom. Perfect for a day off. Other than that I haven't been up to too much today. Nice to have a day of doing very little.

Not that I can truly have a day off, I still logged on to see how work did in my absence. Maybe I should have a day off more often?! They did better without me than they do when I am there. As long as that pattern doesn't continue (joke).

I'd like to think that I have been listening today. There's not been too much on my mind to distract me. I can't say that I've heard anything. I'm fully expecting it to take more than a day so the previous comment is pretty much tongue in cheek.

Father, My prayers today are much the same as last night,
All I can say is that, when you feel the time is right to speak,
I am doing my best to listen.

In Jesus name

Tuesday 10 March 2009

It's been a while since I've been on here, not much has changed in all reality. Work is chugging along quite nicely. Things seem to have improved quite a lot in that respect. I think that's what I would call 'a prayer answered'. So that's everything in a nice little stable groove right now. And I guess that's where I need to be. Having been down to the bottom, I can't begin to climb straight back to the top without laying some solid foundations on which to build.

I think that maybe I need to turn my attention back to trying to find a partner again. Thing is, where do I look. I don't want someone who is morally loose. I want someone who shares my Christian values and has some self respect. You don't exactly find them getting drunk and putting themselves around in pubs and clubs. For the same reason that I don't go there, nor do they. So where do I meet them? Where do they go? How do you find someone who has the values to resist the carnal sins of society and by that very resistance, they keep away from the 'meat markets' that (male?) society has created in order to find female prey? It's a dilemma that I can't really answer. All I know is that I am getting weak. I find myself looking at women in the street that I find attractive and having thoughts that I should not be. There is nothing wrong with appreciating the attractiveness of the opposite sex, but those thoughts and observations should be respectful. I am becoming weak.

Father, please forgive me for when I am weak,
I do not really intend to be as weak as I am
Yet I am not strong enough to resist it either.

Where do I find a partner who shares the same values as I do?
Someone who brings out the best in me
Who helps me to be all I can be
Who I can help to be all that they can be

Someone who will love me without hesitation
Someone who I can love unconditionally

Can you guide me to find the right one?
I am listening, if you are ready to speak.

I ask in Jesus name

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Another Month

Ok, so here we are in March and its meant to be the start of Spring. A time of growth and new beginnings. I have the day off from work tomorrow and I might well have a bit of a clean out. It just might be nice if the weather had stayed spring like. Having used the bike a couple of times on my days off recently, I certainly won't be using it tomorrow. Its raining buckets and blowing a gale out there. I cant even light a fire tonight because the wind keeps blowing the smoke back down the chimney. It feels like winter again!

I don't really know what I should be praying for right now, I just sort of feel the need to open my mind and my heart right now. I don't know what I need to be listening for but I can't help feeling that right now I should be listening.

Father, I don't know quite what to say
I feel like I should be listening to you you right now.
Is there anything that I need to hear?
Please help me to empty my mind and allow space for your words to enter.

That's about all I can say. I hope it makes sense

In Jesus Name