Saturday 3 November 2012

A little bit of history repeating

Why does history repeat itself?  I really want to break the cycle but I just can't  I feel fed up to the back teeth after today, I kinda feel like certain people are taking advantage of my good nature and the fact that I will put others first.

Work was a seriously busy day today, the weeks new products launches combines with just a little hint of Christmas fever gave us a petty large turn out and a huge number of people to serve.  Along side that I cant help but feel that certain people are not pulling their weight, certainly they are not doing the level of work that I need the to in order for me not to have to carry them.  In all the chaos I din't get a lunch break, seems everyone apart from me managed to get one but somehow I end up getting shafted and missing out, basically because people know that I prefer a later lunch break so they take theirs and add on a few minutes here and there.  When the place is busy I cant keep an eye on where everyone is at every split second so it all comes off the rails.

Now because I am stressed out I can feel myself rushing head long into my major weakness again, the self control just peels away again.  I was meant to be going over to a friends house for a firework display this evening, I really wanted to go too - but I cant be around people when that don't know me and don't understand me when I feel like this.  There was only one person who ever truly got this feeling, indeed who I could ever fully express it to, and now they are gone from my life and I have to deal with it as best as I can on my own.

I can feel something coming on, which will be my way of dealing with it, it was how I used to deal with this feeling.  I hate myself for the fact that I am going down this route, but it is just inevitable that it will happen, the longer I try to fight it off, the worse it will be when I do go there.  Like a moth to the flame.

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