Saturday 7 February 2009

The end to a good week

Well, my store did target this week.  I am seriously relieved.  Whilst there is less pressure in my new company to do target (much less pressure!) it is still nice to have achieved it o especially at a time when retail is suffering and people are not spending.  In all honesty I think all the snow has helped us, people have felt less like going out long distances and have shopped locally and that has helped us.  Anyway, I am thankful for it.  If I manage to keep this rate going then maybe I can earn a bonus next  month.  That would be nice.  Thats the future though, right now I have to be thankful for what I have right in front of me.  Things are going well right now and God willing, they will continue to go well, but that is not something that I have a say over, I can only pray for Gods will to prevail and trust that it will be the right thing for me in the long run.  Anyway, tomorrow is a new week and I have it all to to again.

Father, thank you for the blessings that I have received,
both over the last week and over the longer term.
I pray that you can find it in your will that things
will continue to as well as they have done recently

If I am successful with what I do and I earn a bonus, 
please help me to remember that I should share my good fortune
with those who are less fortunate that I am.

But most of all, I want your will.
I do not want what is not mine to have.
I want your will, not mine
Yet in these prayers I ask that your will 
sees me through the tough times with your grace
and allows me the privilege to help others around me.

I am working tomorrow
I know that Sunday is the Sabbath
But the job that I do requires that I work it
If it is the Sabbath in my heart, and I work it
In the knowledge that I am really thinking of 
Jesus and your plans for me, is that really so wrong?
Please help me not to forget.

In Jesus Name

Just as a caviat, I'm forcing myself to use the Macbook that I have been given my work, by doing things on it I hop I can get used to it a bit more.  In reality half the keys on the keyboard are not responsive enough so half the letters don't register the first time and secondly, the edge of it is so sharp that it has given me sore wrists from leaning on the edge of it - Apple, please, please, please make your laptops curved at the edge and soften the sensors under they keyboard!  And that's that!

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